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Difference Between Batteries and Capacitors

What’s the Difference Between Batteries and Capacitors ?? Capacitor   capacitor consists of two or more conductive plates separated by a dielectric. When an electric current enters the capacitor, the dielectric stops the flow and a charge builds up and is stored in an electric field between the plates. Each capacitor is designed to have a particular capacitance (energy storage). When a capacitor is connected to an external circuit, a current will rapidly discharge. In a supercapacitor, there is no dielectric between plates; rather, there is an electrolyte and a thin insulator such as cardboard or paper. When a current is introduced to the supercapacitor, ions build on either side of the insulator to generate a double layer of charge.  Supercapacitors are limited to low voltages, but very high capacitance, as a high voltage would break down the electrolyte.  Batteries   Different battery types are distinguished by their chemical makeup. The chemical unit, called the cell