
Difference Between Batteries and Capacitors

What’s the Difference Between Batteries and Capacitors ?? Capacitor   capacitor consists of two or more conductive plates separated by a dielectric. When an electric current enters the capacitor, the dielectric stops the flow and a charge builds up and is stored in an electric field between the plates. Each capacitor is designed to have a particular capacitance (energy storage). When a capacitor is connected to an external circuit, a current will rapidly discharge. In a supercapacitor, there is no dielectric between plates; rather, there is an electrolyte and a thin insulator such as cardboard or paper. When a current is introduced to the supercapacitor, ions build on either side of the insulator to generate a double layer of charge.  Supercapacitors are limited to low voltages, but very high capacitance, as a high voltage would break down the electrolyte.  Batteries   Different battery types are distinguished by their chemical makeup. The chemical unit, called the cell

Principle of rolling office chair

How does the swivel mechanism on an office chair work? How does it work without metal parts grating against each other from the weight of the seat's occupant? Is the center rod threaded in some way, if so how is the seat able to spin endlessly without screwing off? I know this is a dumb question but I've always wondered this.

how to know mobile radiation level

👉 Dial *#07# on ur cell phones......  To check ur phones radiation level if it is less than 1.6 watt/kg its fine... If it's more please dispose ur cell phone if it does not display after dialling *#07# then definitely  dispose it coz cheap phones may not display branded phones satisfy the norms save ur self and save others around u from the unwanted radiation from these cheap phones Spread this message like a wild fire so that we may save some one from cancer !!!!